martes, marzo 08, 2005

¿Is a Blog a Friend?

Yesterday I was walking towards the subway. I wasn't in a very nice mood, a little bit depressed and uneasy. I felt like writing in the blog, in a way that in any other situation -I realized- it would be like talking to a friend. Just to chat in the way I feel.
I know that I write for me AND also for some other people. For me, it's a way to let whomever (friend or foe, you might say) aware of who I am and what am I doing. I try to be honest, but I've been forced to let some things incomplete, but always with a way to get the rest of it, at least.
All this because I was checking out the bloggies and there are so many reasons why blogs are created.
I think everybody's got the right to write about anything. I was reading tony pierce's blog, and apparently I've broken almost every blog "NO" in his "How to blog" post, but what the hell? Probably so few people check out my blog that it's probably more worthy using it to build up stronger relationships with the people I know and also a way to find out about some other people, to let others to know who you are. Of course you can always lie, you can create yet another mask, but what for?. You can always do another blog (more real, more fake, whatever) in another site.....
However, my intentions are only to encourage and support writing. You can write whatever you feel like: everyday things, extraordinary things, things you like or you do. What I really thing is important about a blog (and this guy Tony Pierce agrees) is to write. To write about all sorts of things, write twice a day, post images and links (this is one thing I really want to improve!), write about your dreams and dissapointments, write, write, write.
So I'm writing again, for me, for my friends, for anyone who wants to come over and read. Just keep writing, that's what is all about.